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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta genetic. Mostrar todas las entradas
abril 12, 2016

How Zika arrived in Brazil: Experts believe a CANOEING contest brought the virus from Asia to South America

The Zika virus spread to Brazil after a canoe competition brought infected mosquitoes to the country, a study suggests.

Genetic analysis has revealed that the strain of the disease - which is linked to babies being born with microcephaly – found in the Latin American nation appears to have come from the South Pacific.

Researchers believe that the mosquitoes may have been carried to Brazil in canoes or sporting equipment from the South Pacific islands, where the virus was already rife in 2014.

While all the cases in the UK so far have been in people who have travelled in Latin America and the Caribbean, the World Health Organisation warned earlier this year that the disease may spread to southern Europe this summer.

Samples were taken from 364 patients in Brazil with severe skin rashes from January through July 2015 by researchers from the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz in Rio de Janeiro.

The study, published in PLOS Neglected Tropical disesases, reported that 119 patients had genetic material called RNA in their bodies that indicated they had been infected by Zika.

Genetic tests showed the Zika strain was similar to that of Asian Zika virus strains.
