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junio 09, 2016

He Checked On His Mom While In Hospice Care, What He Found The Nurse Doing? OMG!

When a man decided to check on his elderly mother who was in hospice care, he wasn’t prepared for what he discovered. Wow. I can’t hold back the tears!

Parents are always the hardest to let go. And sometimes even worse still, is the process that occurs leading up to their death.

When a concerned son stopped by to see his dying mother, he was shocked at what he found.
Ms. Mary was spending her last days at the Austinburg Nursing & Rehab Center in Austinburg, OH.

Hope for Mary’s life was bleak, and her son, Chuck, was told she could go home to heaven at any moment.

Chuck decided to stop in to check on her — that’s precisely when he found one hospice aide doing something rather unusual.

As it turns out, the young hospice aide, Joshua Woodard, had known Ms. Mary since he was 9-years-old.
“Hospice workers are angels but this hospice aide is special, he stopped into Chuck’s mom, Mary’s room and serenaded her. Mary taught voice and piano in her day and this aide Joshua Woodard was one of her students as a kid. Special people Hospice workers are!”
I couldn’t hold back the tears as Joshua serenaded the beloved teacher he’d known since he was only a boy. His beautiful performance of “How Great Thou Art” left me speechless.

You have to see this! Watch the full incredible moment below:

What an incredible thing to be serenaded into Glory. I couldn’t hold back the tears, it’s just so beautiful!
Thank God for big-hearted people like Joshua Woodard, the world needs more young men like him! Please share if his emotional performance blessed your heart today.
